Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4


Product ID
Product Type
Title ID
Developer Name
Publisher Name
Slant Six
Game Genres Xbox LIVE Games Shooter Action & Adventure CAPCOM Co., Ltd. Game Publisher Bit 1
ESRB M PEGI 18 4005 5005 8004 9004 11004
Rating Descriptors
  • ESRB Blood and Gore
  • ESRB Intense Violence
  • ESRB Strong Language
Visibility Date
Sept. 11, 2012, 5:08 a.m.
Global Original Release Date

Product Instances

File License Type License Mask Package Size Install Size Package Type Region Locales
View 14 1 794.0 MB 794.0 MB 1 -1 cs-cz da-dk de-at de-ch el-gr en-au en-ca en-gb en-hk en-ie en-in en-nz en-sg en-us es-es es-mx fi-fi fr-be fr-ca fr-ch fr-fr hu-hu it-it ko-kr nb-no nl-be nl-nl pl-pl pt-br pt-pt ru-ru sv-se zh-tw


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View 14 27 5


Locale Title Description
cs-cz Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
da-dk Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
de-at Spezialein.-Missionen 2-4 3 knallharte, neue Spezialeinheit-Missionen. Nachdem sie Informationen von Jill Valentine erhalten haben, jagt die Eliteeinheit Echo Six erneut nach wertvollen Beweisen, die Umbrellas Schuld am Ausbruch in Raccoon City belegen. In der Stadt herrscht Chaos, und so hat ein gnadenloser Überlebenskampf begonnen. Jedes Truppmitglied muss seine speziellen Fähigkeiten im Kampf einsetzen, damit die Mission erfolgreich wird. Die Mission führt durch die ganze Stadt: Zunächst warten am Rathaus gefährliche U.S.S.-Sniper, dann geht es weiter zur unterirdischen, geheimen Anlage von Umbrella, wo eine gnadenlose Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nemesis bevorsteht. Zum Schluss führt dich eine verzweifelte Rettungsmission durch die Kanalisation der Stadt, während du von G-Birkin gejagt wirst.
de-ch Spezialein.-Missionen 2-4 3 knallharte, neue Spezialeinheit-Missionen. Nachdem sie Informationen von Jill Valentine erhalten haben, jagt die Eliteeinheit Echo Six erneut nach wertvollen Beweisen, die Umbrellas Schuld am Ausbruch in Raccoon City belegen. In der Stadt herrscht Chaos, und so hat ein gnadenloser Überlebenskampf begonnen. Jedes Truppmitglied muss seine speziellen Fähigkeiten im Kampf einsetzen, damit die Mission erfolgreich wird. Die Mission führt durch die ganze Stadt: Zunächst warten am Rathaus gefährliche U.S.S.-Sniper, dann geht es weiter zur unterirdischen, geheimen Anlage von Umbrella, wo eine gnadenlose Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nemesis bevorsteht. Zum Schluss führt dich eine verzweifelte Rettungsmission durch die Kanalisation der Stadt, während du von G-Birkin gejagt wirst.
el-gr Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
en-au Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
en-ca Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
en-gb Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
en-hk Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
en-ie Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
en-in Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
en-nz Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
en-sg Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
en-us Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
es-es DLC Spec Ops, misiones 2-4 3 nuevas desafiantes misiones de los Spec Ops. Guiados por la inteligencia de Jill Valentine, el pelotón de élite Echo Seis no desiste en su búsqueda de pruebas irrefutables que demuestren la culpabilidad de Umbrella en la epidemia de Raccoon City. El caos que ha asolado la ciudad provoca una lucha brutal por la supervivencia. Todos los miembros del pelotón deberán poner en práctica sus habilidades especiales en la batalla para asegurar el éxito en su misión. Las misiones te conducirán por toda la ciudad. Empezarás en el ayuntamiento con los letales pelotones de francotiradores del USS; luego te dirigirás a las instalaciones subterráneas secretas de Umbrella y te enfrentarás con el Nemesis; y, por último, te adentrarás en las cloacas de la ciudad, empezarás una misión desesperada de rescate y tratarás de deshacerte de Birkin que ha mutado con el virus G.
es-mx DLC Spec Ops, misiones 2-4 3 nuevas desafiantes misiones de los Spec Ops. Guiados por la inteligencia de Jill Valentine, el pelotón de élite Echo Seis no desiste en su búsqueda de pruebas irrefutables que demuestren la culpabilidad de Umbrella en la epidemia de Raccoon City. El caos que ha asolado la ciudad provoca una lucha brutal por la supervivencia. Todos los miembros del pelotón deberán poner en práctica sus habilidades especiales en la batalla para asegurar el éxito en su misión. Las misiones te conducirán por toda la ciudad. Empezarás en el ayuntamiento con los letales pelotones de francotiradores del USS; luego te dirigirás a las instalaciones subterráneas secretas de Umbrella y te enfrentarás con el Nemesis; y, por último, te adentrarás en las cloacas de la ciudad, empezarás una misión desesperada de rescate y tratarás de deshacerte de Birkin que ha mutado con el virus G.
fi-fi Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
fr-be Missions 2-4 Forces spé. 3 nouvelles missions périlleuses des Forces Spéciales. Suite aux renseignements fournis par Jill Valentine, l'équipe d'élite Echo Six continue de chercher la preuve irréfutable de la responsabilité d'Umbrella dans l'épidémie de Raccoon City. Pour survivre au chaos qui a envahi la ville, vous allez devoir mener une lutte sans merci. Chaque agent devra utiliser son expertise au combat afin que la mission soit un succès. Au fil des missions, vous allez devoir traverser la ville. Vous commencerez par l'Hôtel de Ville et ses redoutables équipes de snipers de l'USS, puis vous atteindrez les locaux souterrains secrets d'Umbrella afin d'affronter le Nemesis dans un combat sanglant. Vous terminerez dans les égouts de la ville pour une mission de sauvetage risquée avant d'échapper à G-Birkin.
fr-ca Missions 2-4 Forces spé. 3 nouvelles missions périlleuses des Forces Spéciales. Suite aux renseignements fournis par Jill Valentine, l'équipe d'élite Echo Six continue de chercher la preuve irréfutable de la responsabilité d'Umbrella dans l'épidémie de Raccoon City. Pour survivre au chaos qui a envahi la ville, vous allez devoir mener une lutte sans merci. Chaque agent devra utiliser son expertise au combat afin que la mission soit un succès. Au fil des missions, vous allez devoir traverser la ville. Vous commencerez par l'Hôtel de Ville et ses redoutables équipes de snipers de l'USS, puis vous atteindrez les locaux souterrains secrets d'Umbrella afin d'affronter le Nemesis dans un combat sanglant. Vous terminerez dans les égouts de la ville pour une mission de sauvetage risquée avant d'échapper à G-Birkin.
fr-ch Missions 2-4 Forces spé. 3 nouvelles missions périlleuses des Forces Spéciales. Suite aux renseignements fournis par Jill Valentine, l'équipe d'élite Echo Six continue de chercher la preuve irréfutable de la responsabilité d'Umbrella dans l'épidémie de Raccoon City. Pour survivre au chaos qui a envahi la ville, vous allez devoir mener une lutte sans merci. Chaque agent devra utiliser son expertise au combat afin que la mission soit un succès. Au fil des missions, vous allez devoir traverser la ville. Vous commencerez par l'Hôtel de Ville et ses redoutables équipes de snipers de l'USS, puis vous atteindrez les locaux souterrains secrets d'Umbrella afin d'affronter le Nemesis dans un combat sanglant. Vous terminerez dans les égouts de la ville pour une mission de sauvetage risquée avant d'échapper à G-Birkin.
fr-fr Missions 2-4 Forces spé. 3 nouvelles missions périlleuses des Forces Spéciales. Suite aux renseignements fournis par Jill Valentine, l'équipe d'élite Echo Six continue de chercher la preuve irréfutable de la responsabilité d'Umbrella dans l'épidémie de Raccoon City. Pour survivre au chaos qui a envahi la ville, vous allez devoir mener une lutte sans merci. Chaque agent devra utiliser son expertise au combat afin que la mission soit un succès. Au fil des missions, vous allez devoir traverser la ville. Vous commencerez par l'Hôtel de Ville et ses redoutables équipes de snipers de l'USS, puis vous atteindrez les locaux souterrains secrets d'Umbrella afin d'affronter le Nemesis dans un combat sanglant. Vous terminerez dans les égouts de la ville pour une mission de sauvetage risquée avant d'échapper à G-Birkin.
hu-hu Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
it-it DLC Miss. Forze Spec. 2-4 3 nuove e difficili missioni delle Forze Speciali. Guidata dalle indicazioni di Jill Valentine, la squadra speciale Echo Six continua la ricerca di prove cruciali sulla colpevolezza della Umbrella per l'epidemia di Raccoon City. Il caos che ha sconvolto la città si è trasformato in una feroce battaglia per la sopravvivenza. Ogni membro della squadra dovrà partecipare allo scontro con le sue abilità speciali per assicurare che la missione riesca. Le missioni ti porteranno per tutta la città. Prima al City Hall e dalla letale squadra di cecchini del servizio di sicurezza della Umbrella. Poi al complesso sotterraneo segreto della Umbrella, con un incontro violento con Nemesis. Infine, un giro per le fogne della città e un disperato tentativo di salvataggio e di fuga da G-Birkin.
ko-kr Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
nb-no Spesialstyrkeoppdrag 2-4 3 nye og tøffe spesialstyrkeoppdrag. Etter et tips fra Jill Valentine fortsetter eliteenheten Echo Six jakten på informasjon som kan bevise at Umbrella sto bak utbruddet i Raccoon City. Oppdragene foregår over hele byen. Først må du til rådhuset og møte livsfarlige USS-snikskyttere; deretter til Umbrellas hemmelige underjordiske anlegg og ha en brutal trefning med Nemesis; til slutt må du gjennomføre en desperat redningsaksjon og flykte fra G-Birkin gjennom byens kloakksystem.
nl-be Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
nl-nl Spec Ops DLC Missies 2-4 3 lastige nieuwe Spec Ops-missies. Op basis van informatie van Jill Valentine gaat het eliteteam Echo Six verder met de jacht op het doorslaggevende bewijs dat Umbrella verantwoordelijk is voor de uitbraak in Raccoon City. De chaos die in de stad heerst, zorgt voor een genadeloos gevecht om te overleven. Elk teamlid moet zijn specialistische vaardigheden inzetten om te zorgen dat de missie slaagt. De missies spelen zich overal in de stad af. Eerst krijg je bij het stadhuis te maken met dodelijke USS-sluipschutters, daarna moet je naar het geheime ondergrondse complex van Umbrella voor een brute confrontatie met de Nemesis. Tot slot kom je in de riolen van de stad terecht voor een wanhopige reddingsmissie om te ontsnappen aan G-Birkin.
pl-pl Siły specjalne, misje 2–4 Trzy nowe, trudne misje dla sił specjalnych. Kierując się danymi wywiadowczymi przekazanymi przez Jill Valentine, elitarny oddział Echo 6 kontynuuje poszukiwania rozstrzygających dowodów na to, że Umbrella ponosi winę za epidemię w Raccoon City. Chaos panujący w mieście jest równoznaczny z brutalną walką o przetrwanie. Aby zapewnić sukces misji, każdy członek oddziału musi wykorzystać w walce swoje specjalistyczne umiejętności. Do wykonania są misje w różnych punktach miasta. Najpierw starcie z oddziałem snajperów USS w ratuszu. Później brutalna walka z jednostką Nemezis w tajnym podziemnym obiekcie. A na koniec przedzieranie się przez miejskie kanały w ramach desperackiej misji ratunkowej i ucieczka przed G-Birkinem.
pt-br Missões DLC Op Espec 2-4 Três novas e complicadas missões das Operações Especiais. Seguindo informações secretas facultadas por Jill Valentine, o esquadrão de elite Echo Six prossegue a busca pela prova crucial que irá comprovar a culpa da Umbrella no surto de Raccoon City. O caos que dominou a cidade representa uma batalha brutal pela sobrevivência. Cada membro do esquadrão tem de trazer as suas qualidades especializadas para o combate de forma a garantir o sucesso da missão. As missões levam-te a percorrer a cidade. Primeiro até à Câmara e a mortais esquadrões de atiradores furtivos do USS; depois até às instalações subterrâneas e secretas da Umbrella e a um encontro brutal com Nemesis; finalmente, através dos esgotos da cidade e de uma missão de resgate desesperada, até à fuga de G-Birkin.
pt-pt Missões DLC Op Espec 2-4 Três novas e complicadas missões das Operações Especiais. Seguindo informações secretas facultadas por Jill Valentine, o esquadrão de elite Echo Six prossegue a busca pela prova crucial que irá comprovar a culpa da Umbrella no surto de Raccoon City. O caos que dominou a cidade representa uma batalha brutal pela sobrevivência. Cada membro do esquadrão tem de trazer as suas qualidades especializadas para o combate de forma a garantir o sucesso da missão. As missões levam-te a percorrer a cidade. Primeiro até à Câmara e a mortais esquadrões de atiradores furtivos do USS; depois até às instalações subterrâneas e secretas da Umbrella e a um encontro brutal com Nemesis; finalmente, através dos esgotos da cidade e de uma missão de resgate desesperada, até à fuga de G-Birkin.
ru-ru Спецназ 2-4 3 новые опасные миссии спецназа. Следуя примеру Джилл Валентайн, элитный отряд «Эхо-6» продолжает добывать улики, подтверждающие вину «Амбреллы» в катастрофе в Раккун-Сити. Выполняя задания, вы побываете в разных уголках города. Вас ждут смертоносные снайперы ВОНА в ратуше, встреча с грозной «Немезидой» на секретном подпольном заводе корпорации «Амбрелла», городская канализация и отчаянное бегство от G-Биркина.
sv-se Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.
zh-tw Spec Ops DLC Missions 2-4 3 tough new Spec Ops missions. Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that will prove Umbrella's guilt in the Raccoon City outbreak. The chaos that has overtaken the city means a brutal battle for survival. Every squad member must bring their specialist skills to the fight to ensure the mission succeeds. The missions take you across the city. First to City Hall and deadly USS sniper squads; then to Umbrella's secret underground facility and a brutal encounter with the Nemesis; finally through the city sewers and a desperate rescue mission and escape from G-Birkin.