QUByte Classics - The Immortal by PIKO
- Product ID
- 9MT0WG25H6HL
- Title ID
- 612C9EFB
- Legacy Xbox Product ID
- 30544d39-4757-3032-c035-4836484c2100
- Legacy Windows Store Product ID
- b9a1f43b-e248-4152-a58b-e7c906614fa9
- Package Identity Name
- 64755QUByteGamesDesenvolv.QUByteClassics-TheImmort
- Package Family Name
- 64755QUByteGamesDesenvolv.QUByteClassics-TheImmort_jec5y8kkwv4dj
- Product Type
- Game
- Is Demo
- No
- Developer Name
- Piko Interactive LLC
- Publisher Name
- QUByte Interactive
- Category
- Action & adventure
- Console Compatible
- ConsoleGen8, ConsoleGen9
- Console Optimized
- ConsoleGen8
- BroadcastSupport
- Yes
- SinglePlayer
- Yes
- XblAchievements
- Yes
- XblPresence
- Yes
- XblCloudSaves
- Yes
- XboxLive
- Yes
SKU ID | SKU Type | SKU Title | Release | Trial | Pre Order | Bundle | Contains |
0010 | full | QUByte Classics - The Immortal by PIKO | 2021-10-28 | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | No bundled items |
0011 | trial | QUByte Classics - The Immortal by PIKO | 2021-10-28 | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | No bundled items |
0014 | preinstall | QUByte Classics - The Immortal by PIKO | 2021-10-28 | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | No bundled items |