Trial Game - DIG DUG


Product ID
Product Type
Xbox Arcade Demos
Title ID
Developer Name
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
Publisher Name
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
Game Genres Xbox LIVE Games Classics Game Publisher Bit 1
ACB G ESRB E PEGI 3 100 4001 5001 9001 11001
Visibility Date
Jan. 18, 2010, midnight
Global Original Release Date
Jan. 18, 2010, midnight

Product Instances

File License Type License Mask Package Size Install Size Package Type Region Locales
View 13 0 8.5 MB 738 bytes 1 16776703 da-dk de-at de-ch de-de en-au en-ca en-gb en-hk en-ie en-in en-nz en-sg en-us es-es es-mx fi-fi fr-be fr-ca fr-ch fr-fr it-it ja-jp ko-kr nb-no nl-be nl-nl pt-pt sv-se zh-hk zh-tw


URL Media Type Relationship Type Format
View 14 33 4
View 14 33 4
View 14 33 4
View 14 23 5
View 14 27 5
View 14 33 4


Locale Title Description
ar-ae Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
ar-sa Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
cs-cz Zkušební verze hry - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
da-dk Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
de-at Testversion - DIG DUG Grab unterirdische Tunnels und besieg deine Feinde. Verwende deine Harpune, um sie aufzublasen und platzen zu lassen, oder zerquetsch sie mit Felsbrocken! Hol dir Bonuspunkte, indem du mehrere Feinde mit einem Felsbrocken zerstörst! DIG DUG kam 1981 auf den Markt. Sein innovatives Spielprinzip und die witzige Hintergrundmusik machten das Spiel in kürzester Zeit zum Hit.
de-ch Testversion - DIG DUG Grab unterirdische Tunnels und besieg deine Feinde. Verwende deine Harpune, um sie aufzublasen und platzen zu lassen, oder zerquetsch sie mit Felsbrocken! Hol dir Bonuspunkte, indem du mehrere Feinde mit einem Felsbrocken zerstörst! DIG DUG kam 1981 auf den Markt. Sein innovatives Spielprinzip und die witzige Hintergrundmusik machten das Spiel in kürzester Zeit zum Hit.
de-de Testversion - DIG DUG Grab unterirdische Tunnels und besieg deine Feinde. Verwende deine Harpune, um sie aufzublasen und platzen zu lassen, oder zerquetsch sie mit Felsbrocken! Hol dir Bonuspunkte, indem du mehrere Feinde mit einem Felsbrocken zerstörst! DIG DUG kam 1981 auf den Markt. Sein innovatives Spielprinzip und die witzige Hintergrundmusik machten das Spiel in kürzester Zeit zum Hit.
el-gr Δοκιμαστικό παιχνίδι - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
en-au Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
en-ca Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
en-gb Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
en-hk Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
en-ie Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
en-in Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
en-nz Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
en-sg Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
en-us Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
en-za Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
es-ar Juego de prueba - DIG DUG Excava túneles y acaba con los enemigos. Utiliza el arpón para inflar y hacer estallar a los enemigos, ¡o aplástalos con las rocas! ¡Consigue puntos extra aplastando a varios enemigos con la misma roca! DIG DUG salió al mercado en 1981, acumulando éxitos de inmediato gracias a su innovador sistema de juego y a su música tan peculiar.
es-cl Juego de prueba - DIG DUG Excava túneles y acaba con los enemigos. Utiliza el arpón para inflar y hacer estallar a los enemigos, ¡o aplástalos con las rocas! ¡Consigue puntos extra aplastando a varios enemigos con la misma roca! DIG DUG salió al mercado en 1981, acumulando éxitos de inmediato gracias a su innovador sistema de juego y a su música tan peculiar.
es-co Juego de prueba - DIG DUG Excava túneles y acaba con los enemigos. Utiliza el arpón para inflar y hacer estallar a los enemigos, ¡o aplástalos con las rocas! ¡Consigue puntos extra aplastando a varios enemigos con la misma roca! DIG DUG salió al mercado en 1981, acumulando éxitos de inmediato gracias a su innovador sistema de juego y a su música tan peculiar.
es-es Juego de prueba - DIG DUG Excava túneles y acaba con los enemigos. Utiliza el arpón para inflar y hacer estallar a los enemigos, ¡o aplástalos con las rocas! ¡Consigue puntos extra aplastando a varios enemigos con la misma roca! DIG DUG salió al mercado en 1981, acumulando éxitos de inmediato gracias a su innovador sistema de juego y a su música tan peculiar.
es-mx Juego de prueba - DIG DUG Excava túneles y acaba con los enemigos. Utiliza el arpón para inflar y hacer estallar a los enemigos, ¡o aplástalos con las rocas! ¡Consigue puntos extra aplastando a varios enemigos con la misma roca! DIG DUG salió al mercado en 1981, acumulando éxitos de inmediato gracias a su innovador sistema de juego y a su música tan peculiar.
fi-fi Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
fr-be Version d'essai - DIG DUG Creusez des tunnels et débarrassez-vous de vos ennemis. Utilisez votre harpon pour faire gonfler et exploser vos ennemis ou écrasez-les avec des rocs ! Marquez des points bonus en écrasant plusieurs ennemis avec un seul roc ! DIG DUG est sorti en 1981 et a connu un succès immédiat grâce à sa jouabilité novatrice et à sa musique originale.
fr-ca Version d'essai - DIG DUG Creusez des tunnels et débarrassez-vous de vos ennemis. Utilisez votre harpon pour faire gonfler et exploser vos ennemis ou écrasez-les avec des rocs ! Marquez des points bonus en écrasant plusieurs ennemis avec un seul roc ! DIG DUG est sorti en 1981 et a connu un succès immédiat grâce à sa jouabilité novatrice et à sa musique originale.
fr-ch Version d'essai - DIG DUG Creusez des tunnels et débarrassez-vous de vos ennemis. Utilisez votre harpon pour faire gonfler et exploser vos ennemis ou écrasez-les avec des rocs ! Marquez des points bonus en écrasant plusieurs ennemis avec un seul roc ! DIG DUG est sorti en 1981 et a connu un succès immédiat grâce à sa jouabilité novatrice et à sa musique originale.
fr-fr Version d'essai - DIG DUG Creusez des tunnels et débarrassez-vous de vos ennemis. Utilisez votre harpon pour faire gonfler et exploser vos ennemis ou écrasez-les avec des rocs ! Marquez des points bonus en écrasant plusieurs ennemis avec un seul roc ! DIG DUG est sorti en 1981 et a connu un succès immédiat grâce à sa jouabilité novatrice et à sa musique originale.
he-il Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
hu-hu A játék próbaverziója - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
it-it Gioco di prova - DIG DUG Scava tunnel e sconfiggi i nemici. Usa il tuo arpione per gonfiare e far scoppiare i tuoi nemici oppure usa i massi per polverizzarli!Guadagna punti bonus abbattendo più nemici con un masso! DIG DUG fu pubblicato nel 1981 e divenne un successo incredibile, con l'innovativo gameplay e le accattivanti melodie.
ja-jp お試し版 - DIGDUG 地中のモンスターと戦う穴掘りアクションゲームだ。モンスターをポンプでパンクさせたり、落下する岩で押し潰せ! 一度に多くのモンスターを岩で潰せば、高得点のチャンス! 1981 年に発売され、穴を掘って敵をポンプで膨らませパンクさせるという斬新なアイディアとリズミカルな音楽により、多くの熱狂的なファンを獲得した。
ko-kr 평가판 게임 - DIG DUG ■ 굴을 파고 괴물들을 무찌르는 게임 ■ 영어 게임 호스로 괴물을 부풀려 터뜨리거나 바위를 이용하여 무찌르십시오! 하나의 바위로 여러 마리의 괴물을 처치하면 보너스 점수를 얻을 수 있습니다. DIG DUG은 1981년에 발표되어 참신한 게임 플레이와 기발한 음악으로 단숨에 인기를 독차지했던 추억의 고전 게임입니다.
nb-no Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
nl-be Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
nl-nl Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
pl-pl Wersja próbna gry - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
pt-br Jogo de Teste - DIG DUG O jogo é apenas em inglês. Escava túneis e derrota inimigos.Usa o teu arpão para insuflares e rebentares inimigos ou esmaga-os com pedras!Ganha pontos de bónus por esmagares vários inimigos com uma só pedra!O DIG DUG foi lançado em 1981 e tornou-se num sucesso instantâneo com a sua forma de jogo inovadora e a sua música extravagante. Este artigo não permite reembolsos. Para obter mais informações, consulte
pt-pt Jogo de Teste - DIG DUG O jogo é apenas em inglês. Escava túneis e derrota inimigos.Usa o teu arpão para insuflares e rebentares inimigos ou esmaga-os com pedras!Ganha pontos de bónus por esmagares vários inimigos com uma só pedra!O DIG DUG foi lançado em 1981 e tornou-se num sucesso instantâneo com a sua forma de jogo inovadora e a sua música extravagante. Este artigo não permite reembolsos. Para obter mais informações, consulte
ru-ru Пробная игра - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
sk-sk Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
sv-se Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
tr-tr Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
zh-cn Trial Game - DIG DUG Dig tunnels and defeat enemies. Use your harpoon to inflate and pop enemies or crush them with rocks! Earn bonus points by crushing multiple enemies with one rock! DIG DUG was released in 1981, and became an instant hit with its innovative gameplay and quirky music.
zh-hk 試玩版遊戲 - DIG DUG ■ 英文遊戲介面 ■ 挖地道來消滅敵人,用魚叉把敵人打氣打到爆或用石頭砸他們!用石頭一次砸死數個敵人,可以獲得獎勵分數喔!DIG DUG 打氣人早在 1981 年發行,風靡全世界玩家。
zh-tw 試玩版遊戲 - DIG DUG (保護級) ■ 英文遊戲介面 ■ 挖地道來消滅敵人,用魚叉把敵人打氣打到爆或用石頭砸他們!用石頭一次砸死數個敵人,可以獲得獎勵分數喔!DIG DUG 打氣人早在 1981 年發行,風靡全世界玩家。