Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu


Product ID
Product Type
Xbox Arcade Demos
Title ID
Developer Name
Digital Eclipse
Publisher Name
Game Genres Xbox LIVE Games Fighting Classics Game Publisher Bit 1
ACB G ESRB E10+ PEGI 12 100 4003 5003 7002 9001 11001
Rating Descriptors
  • ESRB Animated Violence
Visibility Date
Dec. 7, 2009, midnight
Global Original Release Date
Dec. 7, 2009, midnight

Product Instances

File License Type License Mask Package Size Install Size Package Type Region Locales
View 13 0 11.0 MB 2.1 KB 1 16776703 da-dk de-at de-ch de-de en-au en-ca en-gb en-hk en-ie en-nz en-sg en-us es-es es-mx fi-fi fr-be fr-ca fr-ch fr-fr it-it ja-jp ko-kr nb-no nl-be nl-nl pt-pt sv-se zh-hk zh-tw


URL Media Type Relationship Type Format
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Locale Title Description
ar-ae Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
ar-sa Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
cs-cz Zkušební verze hry - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
da-dk Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
de-at Testversion - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Einzelspieler, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Lokales Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High-Definition). Versuchen Sie, Ihre Gegner zu erledigen, und machen Sie Ihre Ansprüche auf den Titel des Kampfkunst-Meisters geltend! Dieses klassische Kampfspiel bietet neue, handgemalte Hintergründe und wird Ihr Können auf eine harte Probe stellen.
de-ch Testversion - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Einzelspieler, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Lokales Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High-Definition). Versuchen Sie, Ihre Gegner zu erledigen, und machen Sie Ihre Ansprüche auf den Titel des Kampfkunst-Meisters geltend! Dieses klassische Kampfspiel bietet neue, handgemalte Hintergründe und wird Ihr Können auf eine harte Probe stellen.
de-de Testversion - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Einzelspieler, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Lokales Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High-Definition). Versuchen Sie, Ihre Gegner zu erledigen, und machen Sie Ihre Ansprüche auf den Titel des Kampfkunst-Meisters geltend! Dieses klassische Kampfspiel bietet neue, handgemalte Hintergründe und wird Ihr Können auf eine harte Probe stellen.
el-gr Δοκιμαστικό παιχνίδι - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
en-au Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
en-ca Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
en-gb Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
en-hk Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
en-ie Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
en-in Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
en-nz Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
en-sg Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
en-us Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
en-za Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
es-ar Juego de prueba - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Un solo jugador, Multijugador: 1-2 jugadores mediante Xbox LIVE, Multijugador local 1-2, HD (alta definición). Intenta derrotar a tus rivales y lucha por conseguir el Campeonato de artes marciales. Con nuevos fondos diseñados a mano, este juego de lucha clásico seguro que pondrá a prueba tus habilidades.
es-cl Juego de prueba - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Un solo jugador, Multijugador: 1-2 jugadores mediante Xbox LIVE, Multijugador local 1-2, HD (alta definición). Intenta derrotar a tus rivales y lucha por conseguir el Campeonato de artes marciales. Con nuevos fondos diseñados a mano, este juego de lucha clásico seguro que pondrá a prueba tus habilidades.
es-co Juego de prueba - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Un solo jugador, Multijugador: 1-2 jugadores mediante Xbox LIVE, Multijugador local 1-2, HD (alta definición). Intenta derrotar a tus rivales y lucha por conseguir el Campeonato de artes marciales. Con nuevos fondos diseñados a mano, este juego de lucha clásico seguro que pondrá a prueba tus habilidades.
es-es Juego de prueba - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Un solo jugador, Multijugador: 1-2 jugadores mediante Xbox LIVE, Multijugador local 1-2, HD (alta definición). Intenta derrotar a tus rivales y lucha por conseguir el Campeonato de artes marciales. Con nuevos fondos diseñados a mano, este juego de lucha clásico seguro que pondrá a prueba tus habilidades.
es-mx Juego de prueba - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Un solo jugador, Multijugador: 1-2 jugadores mediante Xbox LIVE, Multijugador local 1-2, HD (alta definición). Intenta derrotar a tus rivales y lucha por conseguir el Campeonato de artes marciales. Con nuevos fondos diseñados a mano, este juego de lucha clásico seguro que pondrá a prueba tus habilidades.
fi-fi Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
fr-be Version d'essai - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Solo, Multijoueur Xbox LIVE 1-2, Multijoueur local 1-2, HD (haute définition). Venez à bout de tous vos adversaires pour devenir le grand vainqueur du championnat d'arts martiaux ! Avec un tout nouvel éventail d'arrière-plans peints à la main, ce grand classique du jeu de combat vous donne enfin la chance de montrer qui vous êtes…
fr-ca Version d'essai - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Solo, Multijoueur Xbox LIVE 1-2, Multijoueur local 1-2, HD (haute définition). Venez à bout de tous vos adversaires pour devenir le grand vainqueur du championnat d'arts martiaux ! Avec un tout nouvel éventail d'arrière-plans peints à la main, ce grand classique du jeu de combat vous donne enfin la chance de montrer qui vous êtes…
fr-ch Version d'essai - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Solo, Multijoueur Xbox LIVE 1-2, Multijoueur local 1-2, HD (haute définition). Venez à bout de tous vos adversaires pour devenir le grand vainqueur du championnat d'arts martiaux ! Avec un tout nouvel éventail d'arrière-plans peints à la main, ce grand classique du jeu de combat vous donne enfin la chance de montrer qui vous êtes…
fr-fr Version d'essai - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Solo, Multijoueur Xbox LIVE 1-2, Multijoueur local 1-2, HD (haute définition). Venez à bout de tous vos adversaires pour devenir le grand vainqueur du championnat d'arts martiaux ! Avec un tout nouvel éventail d'arrière-plans peints à la main, ce grand classique du jeu de combat vous donne enfin la chance de montrer qui vous êtes…
he-il Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
hu-hu A játék próbaverziója - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
it-it Gioco di prova - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Giocatore singolo, Multiplayer Xbox LIVE 1-2, Multiplayer locale 1-2, HD (alta definizione). Prova a battere i tuoi avversari e vinci il campionato di arti marziali. Con nuovi sfondi disegnati a mano, questo classico da sala giochi metterà a dura prova la tua abilità.
ja-jp お試し版 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu ■ シングル プレイヤー ■ Xbox LIVE マルチプレイヤー 1-2 ■ マルチプレイヤー 1-2 ■ ハイビジョン ■ 敵を倒して勝ち進み、格闘技の最強王座を目指せ。背景画像も新しく描き直されたこの元祖格闘ゲームで、君の実力を試してみよう。
ko-kr 평가판 게임 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu ■ 싱글 플레이 ■ Xbox LIVE 멀티 플레이 1-2 ■ 로컬 멀티 플레이 1-2 ■ 고화질(HD) ■ 목표는 모든 고수를 쓰러뜨리고 무술 대회에서 우승을 차지하는 것! 직접 손으로 그린 아름다운 배경을 즐기면서 고전 격투 게임의 재미를 맘껏 느껴 보십시오.
nb-no Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
nl-be Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
nl-nl Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
pl-pl Wersja próbna gry - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
pt-br Jogo de Teste - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Um Jogador, Xbox LIVE Multijogador 1-2, Multijogador Local 1-2, HD (Alta Definição). O jogo encontra-se apenas em inglês. Experimenta atirar ao chão os teus opositores e ganha o campeonato de Artes Marciais. Com novos fundos totalmente pintados à mão, este clássico jogo de luta é sem dúvida um teste às tuas capacidades.
pt-pt Jogo de Teste - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Um Jogador, Xbox LIVE Multijogador 1-2, Multijogador Local 1-2, HD (Alta Definição). O jogo encontra-se apenas em inglês. Experimenta atirar ao chão os teus opositores e ganha o campeonato de Artes Marciais. Com novos fundos totalmente pintados à mão, este clássico jogo de luta é sem dúvida um teste às tuas capacidades.
ru-ru Пробная игра - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
sk-sk Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
sv-se Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
tr-tr Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
zh-cn Trial Game - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Try to take down your opponents and claim the Martial Arts Championship. With all-new hand painted backgrounds, this classic fighting game is sure to test your skills.
zh-hk 試玩版遊戲 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu 單人遊戲、Xbox LIVE 多人遊戲 1-2、區域多人遊戲 1-2、HD (高畫質電視)。嘗試著擊敗您的對手,並奪取武林盟主的頭銜。這個經典的打鬥遊戲,擁有完整手繪背景,保證可以讓你一試身手。
zh-tw 試玩版遊戲 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu (保護級) 單人遊戲、Xbox LIVE 多人遊戲 1-2、區域多人遊戲 1-2、HD (高畫質電視)。嘗試著擊敗您的對手,並奪取武林盟主的頭銜。這個經典的打鬥遊戲,擁有完整手繪背景,保證可以讓你一試身手。