ar-ae |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
cs-cz |
Zkušební verze hry - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
da-dk |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
de-at |
Testversion - Space Giraffe |
Einzelspieler, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1-Surround-Sound, HD (High-Definition). Laden Sie jetzt neun kostenlose Levels energiegeladener Shoot-em-up-Action herunter und probieren Sie sie aus! Und wenn Sie in die einzigartige Grafik und das herausfordernde Gameplay von SPACE GIRAFFE erst einmal reingeschnuppert haben, wird Sie nichts mehr davon abhalten können, auf die Vollversion zu aktualisieren! |
de-ch |
Testversion - Space Giraffe |
Einzelspieler, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1-Surround-Sound, HD (High-Definition). Laden Sie jetzt neun kostenlose Levels energiegeladener Shoot-em-up-Action herunter und probieren Sie sie aus! Und wenn Sie in die einzigartige Grafik und das herausfordernde Gameplay von SPACE GIRAFFE erst einmal reingeschnuppert haben, wird Sie nichts mehr davon abhalten können, auf die Vollversion zu aktualisieren! |
de-de |
Testversion - Space Giraffe |
Einzelspieler, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1-Surround-Sound, HD (High-Definition). Laden Sie jetzt neun kostenlose Levels energiegeladener Shoot-em-up-Action herunter und probieren Sie sie aus! Und wenn Sie in die einzigartige Grafik und das herausfordernde Gameplay von SPACE GIRAFFE erst einmal reingeschnuppert haben, wird Sie nichts mehr davon abhalten können, auf die Vollversion zu aktualisieren! |
el-gr |
Δοκιμαστικό παιχνίδι - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
en-au |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
en-ca |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
en-gb |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
en-hk |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
en-ie |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
en-in |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
en-nz |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
en-sg |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
en-us |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
en-za |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
es-cl |
Juego de prueba - Space Giraffe |
Un solo jugador, Multijugador: 1 jugadores mediante Xbox LIVE, Sonido 5.1 Surround, HD (alta definición). Descarga nueve niveles gratuitos de energía, acción y disparos a raudales. Cuando descubras sus exclusivos gráficos y su arrollador estilo de juego, ¡no podrás resistirte a conseguir la versión completa de Space Giraffe! |
es-co |
Juego de prueba - Space Giraffe |
Un solo jugador, Multijugador: 1 jugadores mediante Xbox LIVE, Sonido 5.1 Surround, HD (alta definición). Descarga nueve niveles gratuitos de energía, acción y disparos a raudales. Cuando descubras sus exclusivos gráficos y su arrollador estilo de juego, ¡no podrás resistirte a conseguir la versión completa de Space Giraffe! |
es-es |
Juego de prueba - Space Giraffe |
Un solo jugador, Multijugador: 1 jugadores mediante Xbox LIVE, Sonido 5.1 Surround, HD (alta definición). Descarga nueve niveles gratuitos de energía, acción y disparos a raudales. Cuando descubras sus exclusivos gráficos y su arrollador estilo de juego, ¡no podrás resistirte a conseguir la versión completa de Space Giraffe! |
es-mx |
Juego de prueba - Space Giraffe |
Un solo jugador, Multijugador: 1 jugadores mediante Xbox LIVE, Sonido 5.1 Surround, HD (alta definición). Descarga nueve niveles gratuitos de energía, acción y disparos a raudales. Cuando descubras sus exclusivos gráficos y su arrollador estilo de juego, ¡no podrás resistirte a conseguir la versión completa de Space Giraffe! |
fi-fi |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
fr-be |
Version d'essai - Space Giraffe |
Solo, Multijoueur Xbox LIVE 1, Surround 5.1, HD (haute définition). Téléchargez dès à présent et gratuitement neuf niveaux d'action hautement énergique et explosive ! Lorsque vous aurez découvert le style graphique incomparable et la jouabilité stimulante de Space Giraffe, vous ne pourrez résister à l’envie d’acquérir la version complète ! |
fr-ca |
Version d'essai - Space Giraffe |
Solo, Multijoueur Xbox LIVE 1, Surround 5.1, HD (haute définition). Téléchargez dès à présent et gratuitement neuf niveaux d'action hautement énergique et explosive ! Lorsque vous aurez découvert le style graphique incomparable et la jouabilité stimulante de Space Giraffe, vous ne pourrez résister à l’envie d’acquérir la version complète ! |
fr-ch |
Version d'essai - Space Giraffe |
Solo, Multijoueur Xbox LIVE 1, Surround 5.1, HD (haute définition). Téléchargez dès à présent et gratuitement neuf niveaux d'action hautement énergique et explosive ! Lorsque vous aurez découvert le style graphique incomparable et la jouabilité stimulante de Space Giraffe, vous ne pourrez résister à l’envie d’acquérir la version complète ! |
fr-fr |
Version d'essai - Space Giraffe |
Solo, Multijoueur Xbox LIVE 1, Surround 5.1, HD (haute définition). Téléchargez dès à présent et gratuitement neuf niveaux d'action hautement énergique et explosive ! Lorsque vous aurez découvert le style graphique incomparable et la jouabilité stimulante de Space Giraffe, vous ne pourrez résister à l’envie d’acquérir la version complète ! |
hu-hu |
A játék próbaverziója - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
it-it |
Gioco di prova - Space Giraffe |
Giocatore singolo, Multiplayer Xbox LIVE 1, Suono surround 5.1, HD (alta definizione). Scaricalo adesso per provare nove livelli ad altissimo contenuto energetico! Una volta sperimentati lo stile grafico e l'azione di gioco incessante, non riuscirai a resistere al passaggio alla versione completa di Space Giraffe! |
ja-jp |
お試し版 - Space Giraffe |
■ シングル プレイヤー ■ Xbox LIVE マルチプレイヤー 1 ■ 5.1 サラウンドサウンド対応 ■ ハイビジョン ■ ゲームは英語のみ対応 ■ エネルギーあふれるシューティング アクション、Space Giraffe のお試し版をダウンロードしよう! お試し版では 9 レベルをプレイ可能だ。独特の美しいグラフィックと絶妙に調整されたゲーム バランスを体験したら、完全版にアップグレードしたくなること間違いなしだ! |
ko-kr |
평가판 게임 - Space Giraffe |
[GRB: ALL] ■ 싱글 플레이 ■ Xbox LIVE 멀티 플레이 1 ■ 5.1 서라운드 사운드 ■ 고화질(HD) ■ 영어 게임 ■ 평가판 게임을 다운로드하여 9종류의 무료 레벨과 환상적인 슈팅 액션을 만나 보십시오! 개성 넘치는 그래픽과 정교한 게임 플레이를 한번 맛보면 절대 벗어날 수 없을 것입니다. 정식 버전 게임도 다운로드하여 즐겨 보십시오! |
nb-no |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
nl-be |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
nl-nl |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
pl-pl |
Wersja próbna gry - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
pt-br |
Jogo de Teste - Space Giraffe |
Um Jogador, Xbox LIVE Multijogador 1, 5.1 Som Surround, HD (Alta Definição). O jogo encontra-se apenas em inglês. Scaricalo adesso per provare nove livelli ad altissimo contenuto energetico! Una volta sperimentati lo stile grafico e l'azione di gioco incessante, non riuscirai a resistere al passaggio alla versione completa di Space Giraffe! |
pt-pt |
Jogo de Teste - Space Giraffe |
Um Jogador, Xbox LIVE Multijogador 1, 5.1 Som Surround, HD (Alta Definição). O jogo encontra-se apenas em inglês. Scaricalo adesso per provare nove livelli ad altissimo contenuto energetico! Una volta sperimentati lo stile grafico e l'azione di gioco incessante, non riuscirai a resistere al passaggio alla versione completa di Space Giraffe! |
ru-ru |
Пробная игра - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
sk-sk |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
sv-se |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
zh-cn |
Trial Game - Space Giraffe |
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Download now to sample nine free levels of high-energy, shoot-em-up action! Once you check out the unique graphical style and challenging gameplay of Space Giraffe, you won’t be able to resist upgrading to the full version! |
zh-hk |
試玩版遊戲 - Space Giraffe |
單人遊戲、Xbox LIVE 多人遊戲 1、5.1 聲道環繞音效、HD (高畫質電視)、英文遊戲介面。 快來下載,取得 9 個免費試玩的生動射擊遊戲關卡!一旦您見識過 Space Giraffe 獨特的畫面風格及緊張刺激的遊戲內容,相信您便會義無反顧地升級為完整版遊戲! |
zh-tw |
試玩版遊戲 - Space Giraffe |
(普遍級) 單人遊戲、Xbox LIVE 多人遊戲 1、5.1 聲道環繞音效、HD (高畫質電視)、英文遊戲介面。 快來下載,取得 9 個免費試玩的生動射擊遊戲關卡!一旦您見識過 Space Giraffe 獨特的畫面風格及緊張刺激的遊戲內容,相信您便會義無反顧地升級為完整版遊戲! |