Trial Game - Crystal Quest


Product ID
Product Type
Xbox Arcade Demos
Title ID
Developer Name
Stainless Games
Publisher Name
Microsoft Studios
Game Genres Xbox LIVE Games Shooter Classics Game Publisher Bit 1
ACB G ESRB E PEGI 3 100 4001 5001 7001 9001 11001 12001
Visibility Date
Jan. 22, 2010, midnight
Global Original Release Date
Jan. 22, 2010, midnight

Product Instances

File License Type License Mask Package Size Install Size Package Type Region Locales
View 13 0 24.2 MB 1.5 KB 1 16776703 da-dk de-at de-ch de-de en-au en-ca en-gb en-hk en-ie en-nz en-sg en-us es-es es-mx fi-fi fr-be fr-ca fr-ch fr-fr it-it ja-jp ko-kr nb-no nl-be nl-nl pt-pt sv-se zh-hk zh-tw


URL Media Type Relationship Type Format
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Locale Title Description
ar-ae Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
ar-sa Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
cs-cz Zkušební verze hry - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
da-dk Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
de-at Testversion - Crystal Quest Einzelspieler,HD (High-Definition) Der Klassiker von 1987 kehrt mit aktueller Grafik, verbesserten Spezialeffekten und Dolby-Sound zurück! Steuern Sie Ihr Schiff durch 60 Wellen, sammeln Sie Kristalle und weichen Sie den Nastys aus. Diese einzigartigen Bösewichte, bei denen keiner dem anderen gleicht, tauchen aus Portalen an jeder Seite des Bildschirms auf. Schießen Sie mit Ihren Waffen auf Sie oder zünden Sie eine Smartbombe, um gleich alle Nastys auf dem Schirm zu vernichten. Schnappen Sie sich die Kristalle, um das Tor unten auf dem Bildschirm zu öffnen. Und vergessen Sie nicht, die Extras der einzelnen Wellen mitzunehmen ... Sie finden Bonuspunkte, zusätzliche Smartbomben und manchmal sogar Mega-Kristalle, die jede Menge Punkte einbringen!
de-ch Testversion - Crystal Quest Einzelspieler,HD (High-Definition) Der Klassiker von 1987 kehrt mit aktueller Grafik, verbesserten Spezialeffekten und Dolby-Sound zurück! Steuern Sie Ihr Schiff durch 60 Wellen, sammeln Sie Kristalle und weichen Sie den Nastys aus. Diese einzigartigen Bösewichte, bei denen keiner dem anderen gleicht, tauchen aus Portalen an jeder Seite des Bildschirms auf. Schießen Sie mit Ihren Waffen auf Sie oder zünden Sie eine Smartbombe, um gleich alle Nastys auf dem Schirm zu vernichten. Schnappen Sie sich die Kristalle, um das Tor unten auf dem Bildschirm zu öffnen. Und vergessen Sie nicht, die Extras der einzelnen Wellen mitzunehmen ... Sie finden Bonuspunkte, zusätzliche Smartbomben und manchmal sogar Mega-Kristalle, die jede Menge Punkte einbringen!
de-de Testversion - Crystal Quest Einzelspieler,HD (High-Definition) Der Klassiker von 1987 kehrt mit aktueller Grafik, verbesserten Spezialeffekten und Dolby-Sound zurück! Steuern Sie Ihr Schiff durch 60 Wellen, sammeln Sie Kristalle und weichen Sie den Nastys aus. Diese einzigartigen Bösewichte, bei denen keiner dem anderen gleicht, tauchen aus Portalen an jeder Seite des Bildschirms auf. Schießen Sie mit Ihren Waffen auf Sie oder zünden Sie eine Smartbombe, um gleich alle Nastys auf dem Schirm zu vernichten. Schnappen Sie sich die Kristalle, um das Tor unten auf dem Bildschirm zu öffnen. Und vergessen Sie nicht, die Extras der einzelnen Wellen mitzunehmen ... Sie finden Bonuspunkte, zusätzliche Smartbomben und manchmal sogar Mega-Kristalle, die jede Menge Punkte einbringen!
el-gr Δοκιμαστικό παιχνίδι - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
en-au Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
en-ca Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
en-gb Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
en-hk Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
en-ie Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
en-in Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
en-nz Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
en-sg Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
en-us Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
en-za Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
es-ar Juego de prueba - Crystal Quest Un jugador, HD (alta definición) ¡El clásico de 1987 vuelve con gráficos actualizados, efectos especiales mejorados y sonido Dolby! Pilota tu nave a través de 60 oleadas y reúne cristales mientras evitas a los enemigos. Todos son diferentes y emergen de los portales a cada lado de la pantalla. Dispárales o lanza una bomba inteligente para vaporizarlos. Coge todos los cristales para abrir el portal al fondo de la pantalla. Y no olvides ir a por los extras de cada oleada, puedes encontrar bonificaciones de puntos, bombas inteligentes adicionales, ¡o incluso los raros megacristales, que dan muchísimos puntos!
es-cl Juego de prueba - Crystal Quest Un jugador, HD (alta definición) ¡El clásico de 1987 vuelve con gráficos actualizados, efectos especiales mejorados y sonido Dolby! Pilota tu nave a través de 60 oleadas y reúne cristales mientras evitas a los enemigos. Todos son diferentes y emergen de los portales a cada lado de la pantalla. Dispárales o lanza una bomba inteligente para vaporizarlos. Coge todos los cristales para abrir el portal al fondo de la pantalla. Y no olvides ir a por los extras de cada oleada, puedes encontrar bonificaciones de puntos, bombas inteligentes adicionales, ¡o incluso los raros megacristales, que dan muchísimos puntos!
es-co Juego de prueba - Crystal Quest Un jugador, HD (alta definición) ¡El clásico de 1987 vuelve con gráficos actualizados, efectos especiales mejorados y sonido Dolby! Pilota tu nave a través de 60 oleadas y reúne cristales mientras evitas a los enemigos. Todos son diferentes y emergen de los portales a cada lado de la pantalla. Dispárales o lanza una bomba inteligente para vaporizarlos. Coge todos los cristales para abrir el portal al fondo de la pantalla. Y no olvides ir a por los extras de cada oleada, puedes encontrar bonificaciones de puntos, bombas inteligentes adicionales, ¡o incluso los raros megacristales, que dan muchísimos puntos!
es-es Juego de prueba - Crystal Quest Un jugador, HD (alta definición) ¡El clásico de 1987 vuelve con gráficos actualizados, efectos especiales mejorados y sonido Dolby! Pilota tu nave a través de 60 oleadas y reúne cristales mientras evitas a los enemigos. Todos son diferentes y emergen de los portales a cada lado de la pantalla. Dispárales o lanza una bomba inteligente para vaporizarlos. Coge todos los cristales para abrir el portal al fondo de la pantalla. Y no olvides ir a por los extras de cada oleada, puedes encontrar bonificaciones de puntos, bombas inteligentes adicionales, ¡o incluso los raros megacristales, que dan muchísimos puntos!
es-mx Juego de prueba - Crystal Quest Un jugador, HD (alta definición) ¡El clásico de 1987 vuelve con gráficos actualizados, efectos especiales mejorados y sonido Dolby! Pilota tu nave a través de 60 oleadas y reúne cristales mientras evitas a los enemigos. Todos son diferentes y emergen de los portales a cada lado de la pantalla. Dispárales o lanza una bomba inteligente para vaporizarlos. Coge todos los cristales para abrir el portal al fondo de la pantalla. Y no olvides ir a por los extras de cada oleada, puedes encontrar bonificaciones de puntos, bombas inteligentes adicionales, ¡o incluso los raros megacristales, que dan muchísimos puntos!
fi-fi Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
fr-be Version d'essai - Version d'essai- Crystal Quest Solo, HD (haute définition) Sorti en 1987, ce grand classique revient sur le devant de la scène avec des graphismes remis au goût du jour, des bruitages améliorés et un son Dolby ! Manoeuvrez votre appareil à travers 60 niveaux, collectez des cristaux et échappez à vos ennemis. Ces ennemis uniques--tous sont différents--émergent de portails placés de chaque côté de l'écran. Ouvrez le feu ou amorcez une bombe pour vous débarrasser de tous les ennemis à l'écran. Emparez-vous de tous les cristaux pour ouvrir le passage au bas de l'écran. Avant de vous y engouffrer, n'oubliez pas de ramasser les bonus qui accompagnent chacune des vagues d'assaut : bonus de points, bombes supplémentaires et, de temps à autre, des mégacristaux qui valent leur pesant de points !
fr-ca Version d'essai - Version d'essai- Crystal Quest Solo, HD (haute définition) Sorti en 1987, ce grand classique revient sur le devant de la scène avec des graphismes remis au goût du jour, des bruitages améliorés et un son Dolby ! Manoeuvrez votre appareil à travers 60 niveaux, collectez des cristaux et échappez à vos ennemis. Ces ennemis uniques--tous sont différents--émergent de portails placés de chaque côté de l'écran. Ouvrez le feu ou amorcez une bombe pour vous débarrasser de tous les ennemis à l'écran. Emparez-vous de tous les cristaux pour ouvrir le passage au bas de l'écran. Avant de vous y engouffrer, n'oubliez pas de ramasser les bonus qui accompagnent chacune des vagues d'assaut : bonus de points, bombes supplémentaires et, de temps à autre, des mégacristaux qui valent leur pesant de points !
fr-ch Version d'essai - Version d'essai- Crystal Quest Solo, HD (haute définition) Sorti en 1987, ce grand classique revient sur le devant de la scène avec des graphismes remis au goût du jour, des bruitages améliorés et un son Dolby ! Manoeuvrez votre appareil à travers 60 niveaux, collectez des cristaux et échappez à vos ennemis. Ces ennemis uniques--tous sont différents--émergent de portails placés de chaque côté de l'écran. Ouvrez le feu ou amorcez une bombe pour vous débarrasser de tous les ennemis à l'écran. Emparez-vous de tous les cristaux pour ouvrir le passage au bas de l'écran. Avant de vous y engouffrer, n'oubliez pas de ramasser les bonus qui accompagnent chacune des vagues d'assaut : bonus de points, bombes supplémentaires et, de temps à autre, des mégacristaux qui valent leur pesant de points !
fr-fr Version d'essai - Version d'essai- Crystal Quest Solo, HD (haute définition) Sorti en 1987, ce grand classique revient sur le devant de la scène avec des graphismes remis au goût du jour, des bruitages améliorés et un son Dolby ! Manoeuvrez votre appareil à travers 60 niveaux, collectez des cristaux et échappez à vos ennemis. Ces ennemis uniques--tous sont différents--émergent de portails placés de chaque côté de l'écran. Ouvrez le feu ou amorcez une bombe pour vous débarrasser de tous les ennemis à l'écran. Emparez-vous de tous les cristaux pour ouvrir le passage au bas de l'écran. Avant de vous y engouffrer, n'oubliez pas de ramasser les bonus qui accompagnent chacune des vagues d'assaut : bonus de points, bombes supplémentaires et, de temps à autre, des mégacristaux qui valent leur pesant de points !
he-il Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
hu-hu A játék próbaverziója - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
it-it Gioco di prova - Crystal Quest Giocatore singolo, HD (Alta definizione) Questo classico del 1987 ritorna con una nuova grafica, migliori effetti speciali e audio Dolby! Pilota la tua nave attraverso 60 onde, raccogli i cristalli ed evita i nemici. Gli avversari sono tutti diversi, emergono da portali posti su ogni lato dello schermo. Sparagli o lancia una bomba intelligente per vaporizzare chiunque si trovi sullo schermo. Raccogli tutti i cristalli per aprire i cancelli posti nella parte inferiore dello schermo. Non dimenticarti di raccogliere tutti gli oggetti bonus presenti in ogni ondata... Troverai punti aggiuntivi, bombe intelligenti extra e perfino mega cristalli che ti permetteranno di ottenere tantissimi punti!
ja-jp お試し版 - Crystal Quest ■シングルプレイヤー ■ハイビジョン ■ゲームは英語版です ■グラフィックが一新され、特殊効果も向上して、1987 年の大ヒット作がドルビー サウンドで蘇りました! 60 にわたるステージで迫り来る敵の攻撃を乗り越えながら、クリスタルを集めたり、ナスティーから逃げたりします。敵にはそれぞれ特徴があり、画面両端の出現ポイントから出現します。武器を発射して攻撃したり、小型爆弾を爆発させたりして、画面内のすべてのナスティーを倒しましょう。クリスタルをすべて集めれば、画面下のゲートが開きます。各ステージに出現するアイテムは、忘れずに手に入れましょう。ボーナス ポイントを獲得できたり、超高性能爆弾や高得点になるメガクリスタルが手に入る場合もあります。
ko-kr 평가판 게임 - Crystal Quest 싱글 플레이, 고화질(HD) 1987년에 처음 선보였던 클래식 Crystal Quest가 향상된 그래픽과 멋진 특수 효과 및 Dolby 사운드로 업그레이드되어 다시 돌아왔습니다! 크리스탈을 모으고 야만족을 무찌르면서 비행기를 타고 60단계까지 정복하십시오. 다양한 적들이 화면의 각 방향에 있는 관문에서 등장합니다. 무기를 발사하거나 폭탄을 활용하여 모든 야만인들을 처치하십시오. 화면 아래쪽의 출입문을 열기 위해서는 모든 크리스탈을 모아야 합니다. 또한 각 단계마다 등장하는 아이템을 획득하면 보너스 점수나 폭탄을 추가로 얻을 수 있으며, 운이 좋으면 엄청난 점수를 얻을 수 있는 메가 크리스탈을 획득할 수도 있습니다!
nb-no Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
nl-be Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
nl-nl Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
pl-pl Wersja próbna gry - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
pt-br Jogo de Teste - Crystal Quest Um Jogador, HD (Alta Definição). O jogo é apenas em inglês. O clássico de 1987 está de regresso com gráficos melhorados, efeitos especiais acrescidos e som Dolby Digital! Pilota o teu navio através de 60 ondas, recolhendo cristais e escapando aos Malvados. Este Malvados exclusivos - cada um deles diferente - emergem dos portais de cada um dos lados do ecrã. Dispara a tua arma sobre eles ou coloca uma bomba inteligente para vaporizares todos os Malvados que se encontram no ecrã. Agarra todos os cristais para abrires o portal ao fundo do ecrã.. E não te esqueças de reunir os objectos que são trazidos por cada onda... Podes encontrar pontos de bónus, bombas inteligentes adicionais e até mesmo, ocasionalmente, um mega-cristal que te dará avultados pontos!
pt-pt Jogo de Teste - Crystal Quest Um Jogador, HD (Alta Definição). O jogo é apenas em inglês. O clássico de 1987 está de regresso com gráficos melhorados, efeitos especiais acrescidos e som Dolby Digital! Pilota o teu navio através de 60 ondas, recolhendo cristais e escapando aos Malvados. Este Malvados exclusivos - cada um deles diferente - emergem dos portais de cada um dos lados do ecrã. Dispara a tua arma sobre eles ou coloca uma bomba inteligente para vaporizares todos os Malvados que se encontram no ecrã. Agarra todos os cristais para abrires o portal ao fundo do ecrã.. E não te esqueças de reunir os objectos que são trazidos por cada onda... Podes encontrar pontos de bónus, bombas inteligentes adicionais e até mesmo, ocasionalmente, um mega-cristal que te dará avultados pontos!
ru-ru Пробная игра - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
sk-sk Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
sv-se Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
tr-tr Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
zh-cn Trial Game - Crystal Quest Single Player, HD (High Definition) The 1987 classic returns with updated graphics, enhanced special effects and Dolby sound! Pilot your ship through 60 waves, collecting crystals and evading the Nasties. These unique baddies--each one different--emerge from portals on each side of the screen. Fire your weapon at them, or deploy a smart bomb to vaporize every Nasty on the screen. Grab all the crystals to open the gateway at the bottom of the screen. And don’t forget to gather up the goodies in each wave… you can find bonus points, extra smart bombs and even an occasional mega-crystal for massive points!
zh-hk 試玩版遊戲 - Crystal Quest 單人遊戲, 高解析 1987 年的經典遊戲,重新與你見面!駕駛你的太空船穿越 60 個不同的關卡,盡量避開敵人並收集水晶。敵人會用各種方式阻撓你的行動,別忘了利用你的武器或是炸彈來消除障礙!收集完所有的水晶,才能打開下一關的傳送門。途中記得收集道具喔!像是加分、增加炸彈數量、以及可以大量得分的超級水晶。
zh-tw 試玩版遊戲 - Crystal Quest (普遍級) 單人遊戲, 高解析 1987 年的經典遊戲,重新與你見面!駕駛你的太空船穿越 60 個不同的關卡,盡量避開敵人並收集水晶。敵人會用各種方式阻撓你的行動,別忘了利用你的武器或是炸彈來消除障礙!收集完所有的水晶,才能打開下一關的傳送門。途中記得收集道具喔!像是加分、增加炸彈數量、以及可以大量得分的超級水晶。