ar-ae |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
cs-cz |
Zkušební verze hry - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
da-dk |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
de-at |
Testversion - JEWEL QUEST |
Einzelspieler, HD (High-Definition) Beginnen Sie in der KOSTENLOSEN Testversion, verwirrende Geheimnisse und Überbleibsel aus uralten Zeiten aufzudecken. |
de-ch |
Testversion - JEWEL QUEST |
Einzelspieler, HD (High-Definition) Beginnen Sie in der KOSTENLOSEN Testversion, verwirrende Geheimnisse und Überbleibsel aus uralten Zeiten aufzudecken. |
de-de |
Testversion - JEWEL QUEST |
Einzelspieler, HD (High-Definition) Beginnen Sie in der KOSTENLOSEN Testversion, verwirrende Geheimnisse und Überbleibsel aus uralten Zeiten aufzudecken. |
el-gr |
Δοκιμαστικό παιχνίδι - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
en-au |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
en-ca |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
en-gb |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
en-hk |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
en-ie |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
en-in |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
en-nz |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
en-sg |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
en-us |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
en-za |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
es-cl |
Juego de prueba - Jewel Quest |
Un jugador, HD (alta definición) Comienza a desvelar los enigmáticos misterios y las antiguas reliquias con la versión de prueba gratuita. |
es-co |
Juego de prueba - Jewel Quest |
Un jugador, HD (alta definición) Comienza a desvelar los enigmáticos misterios y las antiguas reliquias con la versión de prueba gratuita. |
es-es |
Juego de prueba - Jewel Quest |
Un jugador, HD (alta definición) Comienza a desvelar los enigmáticos misterios y las antiguas reliquias con la versión de prueba gratuita. |
es-mx |
Juego de prueba - Jewel Quest |
Un jugador, HD (alta definición) Comienza a desvelar los enigmáticos misterios y las antiguas reliquias con la versión de prueba gratuita. |
fi-fi |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
fr-be |
Version d'essai - Jewel Quest |
Solo, HD (haute définition) Exhumez d'anciens mystères et de précieuses reliques dans cette version d'essai GRATUITE. |
fr-ca |
Version d'essai - Jewel Quest |
Solo, HD (haute définition) Exhumez d'anciens mystères et de précieuses reliques dans cette version d'essai GRATUITE. |
fr-ch |
Version d'essai - Jewel Quest |
Solo, HD (haute définition) Exhumez d'anciens mystères et de précieuses reliques dans cette version d'essai GRATUITE. |
fr-fr |
Version d'essai - Jewel Quest |
Solo, HD (haute définition) Exhumez d'anciens mystères et de précieuses reliques dans cette version d'essai GRATUITE. |
hu-hu |
A játék próbaverziója - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
it-it |
Gioco di prova - Jewel Quest |
Giocatore singolo, HD (Alta definizione) Porta alla luce misteriosi enigmi e antiche reliquie in questa versione di prova GRATUITA. |
ja-jp |
お試し版 - Jewel Quest |
■シングルプレイヤー ■ハイビジョン ■ゲームは英語版です ■無料のお試し版をプレイして、難解な謎解きと、古代の遺物の探索を始めましょう。 |
ko-kr |
평가판 게임 - Jewel Quest |
■ 싱글 플레이 ■ 고화질(HD) ■ 영어 게임 ■ 무료 평가판으로 신비한 고대 문명으로의 모험을 체험해 보십시오. |
nb-no |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
nl-be |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
nl-nl |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
pl-pl |
Wersja próbna gry - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
pt-br |
Jogo de Teste - Jewel Quest |
Jogo individual, HD (Alta definição) Começa a desvendar os puzzles misteriosos e relíquias antigas nesta versão de teste GRATUITA |
pt-pt |
Jogo de Teste - Jewel Quest |
Jogo individual, HD (Alta definição) Começa a desvendar os puzzles misteriosos e relíquias antigas nesta versão de teste GRATUITA |
ru-ru |
Пробная игра - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
sk-sk |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
sv-se |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
zh-cn |
Trial Game - Jewel Quest |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Begin to unearth the puzzling mysteries and ancient relics with a FREE trial version. |
zh-hk |
試玩版遊戲 - Jewel Quest |
單人遊戲, 高解析, 英文遊戲介面 依循著線索,揭開古代遺跡的秘密面紗!先在免費試玩版遊戲裡頭動動腦吧! |
zh-tw |
試玩版遊戲 - Jewel Quest |
(普遍級) 單人遊戲, 高解析, 英文遊戲介面 依循著線索,揭開古代遺跡的秘密面紗!先在免費試玩版遊戲裡頭動動腦吧! |