ar-ae |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
ar-sa |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
cs-cz |
Zkušební verze hry - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
da-dk |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
de-at |
Testversion - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Einzelspieler, HD (High-Definition) Kämpfen Sie sich durch einen vor Mutanten wimmelnden Raum nach dem anderen, um die Menschheit zu retten. Sammeln Sie Waffen-Extras, verdienen Sie Boni für die schnelle Säuberung eines Raums und vergessen Sie nicht, die architektonischen Hindernisse zu Ihrem Vorteil zu nutzen. Die Schwierigkeitsstufe steigt, je weiter Sie kommen. Überleben Sie, dann gewinnen Sie vielleicht den exklusiven schwarzen Gürtel. |
de-ch |
Testversion - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Einzelspieler, HD (High-Definition) Kämpfen Sie sich durch einen vor Mutanten wimmelnden Raum nach dem anderen, um die Menschheit zu retten. Sammeln Sie Waffen-Extras, verdienen Sie Boni für die schnelle Säuberung eines Raums und vergessen Sie nicht, die architektonischen Hindernisse zu Ihrem Vorteil zu nutzen. Die Schwierigkeitsstufe steigt, je weiter Sie kommen. Überleben Sie, dann gewinnen Sie vielleicht den exklusiven schwarzen Gürtel. |
de-de |
Testversion - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Einzelspieler, HD (High-Definition) Kämpfen Sie sich durch einen vor Mutanten wimmelnden Raum nach dem anderen, um die Menschheit zu retten. Sammeln Sie Waffen-Extras, verdienen Sie Boni für die schnelle Säuberung eines Raums und vergessen Sie nicht, die architektonischen Hindernisse zu Ihrem Vorteil zu nutzen. Die Schwierigkeitsstufe steigt, je weiter Sie kommen. Überleben Sie, dann gewinnen Sie vielleicht den exklusiven schwarzen Gürtel. |
el-gr |
Δοκιμαστικό παιχνίδι - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
en-au |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
en-ca |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
en-gb |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
en-hk |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
en-ie |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
en-in |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
en-nz |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
en-sg |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
en-us |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
en-za |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
es-ar |
Juego de prueba - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Un jugador, HD (alta definición) Lucha en una sala tras otra llena de mutantes para salvar a la raza humana. Reúne mejoras de armas, gana bonificaciones por despejar una sala con rapidez, y no olvides usar los obstáculos en tu beneficio. El nivel de dificultad sube cada vez que progresas. Sobrevive y tal vez consigas el legendario cinturón negro. |
es-cl |
Juego de prueba - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Un jugador, HD (alta definición) Lucha en una sala tras otra llena de mutantes para salvar a la raza humana. Reúne mejoras de armas, gana bonificaciones por despejar una sala con rapidez, y no olvides usar los obstáculos en tu beneficio. El nivel de dificultad sube cada vez que progresas. Sobrevive y tal vez consigas el legendario cinturón negro. |
es-co |
Juego de prueba - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Un jugador, HD (alta definición) Lucha en una sala tras otra llena de mutantes para salvar a la raza humana. Reúne mejoras de armas, gana bonificaciones por despejar una sala con rapidez, y no olvides usar los obstáculos en tu beneficio. El nivel de dificultad sube cada vez que progresas. Sobrevive y tal vez consigas el legendario cinturón negro. |
es-es |
Juego de prueba - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Un jugador, HD (alta definición) Lucha en una sala tras otra llena de mutantes para salvar a la raza humana. Reúne mejoras de armas, gana bonificaciones por despejar una sala con rapidez, y no olvides usar los obstáculos en tu beneficio. El nivel de dificultad sube cada vez que progresas. Sobrevive y tal vez consigas el legendario cinturón negro. |
es-mx |
Juego de prueba - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Un jugador, HD (alta definición) Lucha en una sala tras otra llena de mutantes para salvar a la raza humana. Reúne mejoras de armas, gana bonificaciones por despejar una sala con rapidez, y no olvides usar los obstáculos en tu beneficio. El nivel de dificultad sube cada vez que progresas. Sobrevive y tal vez consigas el legendario cinturón negro. |
fi-fi |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
fr-be |
Version d'essai - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Solo, HD (haute définition) Frayez-vous un chemin à travers des pièces infestées de mutants dans une quête pour la sauvegarde de l'humanité. Ramassez des améliorations d'armes, gagnez des bonus en récompense de vos exploits et surtout, pensez à utiliser les obstacles à votre avantage. Le niveau de difficulté augmente à mesure que vous progressez. Survivez, et vous gagnerez la fameuse ceinture noire. |
fr-ca |
Version d'essai - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Solo, HD (haute définition) Frayez-vous un chemin à travers des pièces infestées de mutants dans une quête pour la sauvegarde de l'humanité. Ramassez des améliorations d'armes, gagnez des bonus en récompense de vos exploits et surtout, pensez à utiliser les obstacles à votre avantage. Le niveau de difficulté augmente à mesure que vous progressez. Survivez, et vous gagnerez la fameuse ceinture noire. |
fr-ch |
Version d'essai - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Solo, HD (haute définition) Frayez-vous un chemin à travers des pièces infestées de mutants dans une quête pour la sauvegarde de l'humanité. Ramassez des améliorations d'armes, gagnez des bonus en récompense de vos exploits et surtout, pensez à utiliser les obstacles à votre avantage. Le niveau de difficulté augmente à mesure que vous progressez. Survivez, et vous gagnerez la fameuse ceinture noire. |
fr-fr |
Version d'essai - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Solo, HD (haute définition) Frayez-vous un chemin à travers des pièces infestées de mutants dans une quête pour la sauvegarde de l'humanité. Ramassez des améliorations d'armes, gagnez des bonus en récompense de vos exploits et surtout, pensez à utiliser les obstacles à votre avantage. Le niveau de difficulté augmente à mesure que vous progressez. Survivez, et vous gagnerez la fameuse ceinture noire. |
he-il |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
hu-hu |
A játék próbaverziója - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
it-it |
Gioco di prova - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Giocatore singolo, HD (Alta definizione) Fatti strada una stanza dopo l'altra, ognuna piena di mutanti, in una missione per salvare l'umanità. Raccogli potenziamenti per le armi, guadagna bonus per il completamento di una stanza il più velocemente possibile e non dimenticarti di sfruttare gli ostacoli presenti nelle stanze a tuo vantaggio. Il livello di difficoltà aumenta mano a mano che avanzi nel gioco. Sopravvivi e potrai fregiarti dell’inafferrabile cintura nera. |
ja-jp |
お試し版 - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
■シングルプレイヤー ■ハイビジョン ■ミュータントが待ち構えてる部屋から部屋へと突き進もう。最初は、白帯からスタートだ。 先に進むにつれて、段位とともに難易度が上がっていくぞ。生き残ることができれば、黒帯を手に入れることができる。 |
ko-kr |
평가판 게임 - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
싱글 플레이, 고화질(HD) 돌연변이들로 가득 찬 공간을 지나 계속 전진하여 인류를 구해야 합니다. 무기를 업그레이드할 수 있는 아이템을 획득하여 각 단계를 빨리 클리어하면 보너스를 얻을 수 있으며 장애물을 유리하게 이용할 수도 있습니다. 각 단계를 클리어할 때마다 난이도가 올라가게 됩니다. 게임에서 살아 남아 검은색 벨트를 획득하세요. |
nb-no |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
nl-be |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
nl-nl |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
pl-pl |
Wersja próbna gry - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
pt-br |
Jogo de Teste - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Um Jogador, HD (Alta Definição). O jogo é apenas em inglês. Abre caminho combatendo em sala após sala repleta de mutantes, numa missão para salvar a raça humana. Recolhe melhoramentos para as armas, ganha bónus por limpares uma sala rapidamente e não te esqueças de usar os obstáculos arquitecturais em proveito próprio. O nível de dificuldade sobe de cada vez que progrides. Sobrevive e poderás vir a ganhar o inatingível Cinturão Negro. |
pt-pt |
Jogo de Teste - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Um Jogador, HD (Alta Definição). O jogo é apenas em inglês. Abre caminho combatendo em sala após sala repleta de mutantes, numa missão para salvar a raça humana. Recolhe melhoramentos para as armas, ganha bónus por limpares uma sala rapidamente e não te esqueças de usar os obstáculos arquitecturais em proveito próprio. O nível de dificuldade sobe de cada vez que progrides. Sobrevive e poderás vir a ganhar o inatingível Cinturão Negro. |
ru-ru |
Пробная игра - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
sk-sk |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
sv-se |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
tr-tr |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
zh-cn |
Trial Game - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
Single Player, HD (High Definition) Fight your way through room after mutant-filled room in a quest to save the human race. Collect weapon upgrades, earn bonuses for clearing a room quickly, and don't forget to use the architectural obstacles to your advantage. The difficulty level rises each time you progress. Survive, and you could earn the elusive Black Belt. |
zh-hk |
試玩版遊戲 - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
單人遊戲, 高解析 為了人類,快點殺出一條血路吧!增強你的火力、迅速地解決敵人賺取高分,另外別忘了善用關卡中的障礙物。想辦法活下去,並贏得至高無上的黑帶級! |
zh-tw |
試玩版遊戲 - Mutant Storm Reloaded |
(普遍級) 單人遊戲, 高解析 為了人類,快點殺出一條血路吧!增強你的火力、迅速地解決敵人賺取高分,另外別忘了善用關卡中的障礙物。想辦法活下去,並贏得至高無上的黑帶級! |