Trial Game - Joust


Product ID
Product Type
Xbox Arcade Demos
Title ID
Developer Name
Digital Eclipse
Publisher Name
Xbox LIVE Arcade
Game Genres Xbox LIVE Games Classics Game Publisher Bit 1
ESRB E PEGI 3 100 4001 5001 7001 8001 9001 11001 12001 17002
Visibility Date
Feb. 26, 2010, 1:55 a.m.
Global Original Release Date
Feb. 26, 2010, 1:55 a.m.

Product Instances

File License Type License Mask Package Size Install Size Package Type Region Locales
View 13 0 5.6 MB 1.1 KB 1 16776703 da-dk de-at de-ch de-de en-au en-ca en-gb en-hk en-ie en-in en-nz en-sg en-us es-es es-mx fi-fi fr-be fr-ca fr-ch fr-fr it-it ja-jp ko-kr nb-no nl-be nl-nl pt-pt sv-se zh-hk zh-tw


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Locale Title Description
ar-ae Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
cs-cz Zkušební verze hry - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
da-dk Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
de-at Testversion - Joust Einzelspieler, Xbox Live-Multiplayer 1-2, Lokales Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High-Definition) Spiel nur in Englisch erhältlich Besteigen Sie Ihren edlen Straußenvogel und reiten Sie in die Schlacht! Wenn Sie sich zusammen mit einem Freund ins Abenteuer stürzen möchten, erhält er einen stolzen Storch als Reittier. Zusammen besiegen Sie drei Arten von Rittern: rote Schufte, silberne Jäger und dunkelblaue Schattenlords. Holen Sie die Bösewichte mit Ihrer getreuen Lanze vom Himmel, während sie auf flink geflügelten Bussarden durch die Höhlen fliegen. Schnappen Sie sich dann die Eier, bevor sie schlüpfen und noch stärkere Feinde daraus hervorgehen. Passen Sie auf die Pterodaktylen auf, die in diesen Höhlen hausen: Wenn Sie sich zu viel Zeit lassen, greifen sie an. Und wenn die Lava höher und höher steigt, müssen Sie heftig mit den Flügeln schlagen, um in der Luft zu bleiben ... weit weg von den Krallen der Trolle, die Sie in die feurigen Tiefen ziehen wollen.
de-ch Testversion - Joust Einzelspieler, Xbox Live-Multiplayer 1-2, Lokales Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High-Definition) Spiel nur in Englisch erhältlich Besteigen Sie Ihren edlen Straußenvogel und reiten Sie in die Schlacht! Wenn Sie sich zusammen mit einem Freund ins Abenteuer stürzen möchten, erhält er einen stolzen Storch als Reittier. Zusammen besiegen Sie drei Arten von Rittern: rote Schufte, silberne Jäger und dunkelblaue Schattenlords. Holen Sie die Bösewichte mit Ihrer getreuen Lanze vom Himmel, während sie auf flink geflügelten Bussarden durch die Höhlen fliegen. Schnappen Sie sich dann die Eier, bevor sie schlüpfen und noch stärkere Feinde daraus hervorgehen. Passen Sie auf die Pterodaktylen auf, die in diesen Höhlen hausen: Wenn Sie sich zu viel Zeit lassen, greifen sie an. Und wenn die Lava höher und höher steigt, müssen Sie heftig mit den Flügeln schlagen, um in der Luft zu bleiben ... weit weg von den Krallen der Trolle, die Sie in die feurigen Tiefen ziehen wollen.
de-de Testversion - Joust Einzelspieler, Xbox Live-Multiplayer 1-2, Lokales Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High-Definition) Spiel nur in Englisch erhältlich. Besteigen Sie Ihren edlen Straußenvogel und reiten Sie in die Schlacht! Wenn Sie sich zusammen mit einem Freund ins Abenteuer stürzen möchten, erhält er einen stolzen Storch als Reittier. Zusammen besiegen Sie drei Arten von Rittern: rote Schufte, silberne Jäger und dunkelblaue Schattenlords. Holen Sie die Bösewichte mit Ihrer getreuen Lanze vom Himmel, während sie auf flink geflügelten Bussarden durch die Höhlen fliegen. Schnappen Sie sich dann die Eier, bevor sie schlüpfen und noch stärkere Feinde daraus hervorgehen. Passen Sie auf die Pterodaktylen auf, die in diesen Höhlen hausen: Wenn Sie sich zu viel Zeit lassen, greifen sie an. Und wenn die Lava höher und höher steigt, müssen Sie heftig mit den Flügeln schlagen, um in der Luft zu bleiben ... weit weg von den Krallen der Trolle, die Sie in die feurigen Tiefen ziehen wollen.
el-gr Δοκιμαστικό παιχνίδι - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
en-au Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
en-ca Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
en-gb Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
en-hk Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
en-ie Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
en-in Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
en-nz Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
en-sg Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
en-us Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
en-za Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
es-cl Juego de prueba - Joust Un jugador, Multijugador en Xbox Live 1-2, Multijugador local 1-2, HD (alta definición) Juego solamente en inglés. ¡Monta en tu noble avestruz y lánzate al combate! Si te acompaña un amigo, lo hará a lomos de una orgullosa cigüeña. Juntos os enfrentaréis a tres tipos de enemigos: los saltadores rojos, los cazadores plateados y los oscuros señores de las sombras. Estos villanos vuelan en rápidos buitres, y tendrás que golpearlos desde arriba con tu lanza. Captura los huevos antes de que eclosionen o aparecerán enemigos aún más peligrosos. Cuidado con los pterodáctilos que infestan las cavernas, si te demoras demasiado, se lanzarán al ataque. La lava sube cada vez más alto, aletea con fuerza para remontarte y escapar del troll que intenta arrastrarte a sus profundidades.
es-co Juego de prueba - Joust Un jugador, Multijugador en Xbox Live 1-2, Multijugador local 1-2, HD (alta definición) Juego solamente en inglés. ¡Monta en tu noble avestruz y lánzate al combate! Si te acompaña un amigo, lo hará a lomos de una orgullosa cigüeña. Juntos os enfrentaréis a tres tipos de enemigos: los saltadores rojos, los cazadores plateados y los oscuros señores de las sombras. Estos villanos vuelan en rápidos buitres, y tendrás que golpearlos desde arriba con tu lanza. Captura los huevos antes de que eclosionen o aparecerán enemigos aún más peligrosos. Cuidado con los pterodáctilos que infestan las cavernas, si te demoras demasiado, se lanzarán al ataque. La lava sube cada vez más alto, aletea con fuerza para remontarte y escapar del troll que intenta arrastrarte a sus profundidades.
es-es Juego de prueba - Joust Un jugador, Multijugador en Xbox Live 1-2, Multijugador local 1-2, HD (alta definición) Juego solamente en inglés. ¡Monta en tu noble avestruz y lánzate al combate! Si te acompaña un amigo, lo hará a lomos de una orgullosa cigüeña. Juntos os enfrentaréis a tres tipos de enemigos: los saltadores rojos, los cazadores plateados y los oscuros señores de las sombras. Estos villanos vuelan en rápidos buitres, y tendrás que golpearlos desde arriba con tu lanza. Captura los huevos antes de que eclosionen o aparecerán enemigos aún más peligrosos. Cuidado con los pterodáctilos que infestan las cavernas, si te demoras demasiado, se lanzarán al ataque. La lava sube cada vez más alto, aletea con fuerza para remontarte y escapar del troll que intenta arrastrarte a sus profundidades.
es-mx Juego de prueba - Joust Un jugador, Multijugador en Xbox Live 1-2, Multijugador local 1-2, HD (alta definición) Juego solamente en inglés. ¡Monta en tu noble avestruz y lánzate al combate! Si te acompaña un amigo, lo hará a lomos de una orgullosa cigüeña. Juntos os enfrentaréis a tres tipos de enemigos: los saltadores rojos, los cazadores plateados y los oscuros señores de las sombras. Estos villanos vuelan en rápidos buitres, y tendrás que golpearlos desde arriba con tu lanza. Captura los huevos antes de que eclosionen o aparecerán enemigos aún más peligrosos. Cuidado con los pterodáctilos que infestan las cavernas, si te demoras demasiado, se lanzarán al ataque. La lava sube cada vez más alto, aletea con fuerza para remontarte y escapar del troll que intenta arrastrarte a sus profundidades.
fi-fi Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
fr-be Version d'essai - Joust Solo, Multijoueur Xbox Live 1-2, Multijoueur local 1-2, HD (haute définition) Jeu uniquement en anglais. Chevauchez votre fidèle autruche et conduisez-la à la bataille ! Si d'aventure vous choisissez de combattre à deux, votre frère d'armes montera une noble cigogne. Ensemble, triomphez des chevaliers ennemis qui hantent les cavernes : les gardes rouges, les chasseurs argentés et les seigneurs des ombres tout de sombre vêtus. Maniez votre lance infaillible et plongez sur vos ennemis. Désarçonnez-les de leurs busards et emparez-vous des œufs qu'ils abandonnent, sous peine de les voir éclore et produire des adversaires toujours plus coriaces. Prenez garde aux ptérodactyles qui infestent ces lieux. Si vous tardez trop à accomplir votre quête, ils s'en prendront à vous. Prenez votre envol et échappez à la lave dont le niveau ne cesse de monter...
fr-ca Version d'essai - Joust Solo, Multijoueur Xbox Live 1-2, Multijoueur local 1-2, HD (haute définition) Jeu uniquement en anglais. Chevauchez votre fidèle autruche et conduisez-la à la bataille ! Si d'aventure vous choisissez de combattre à deux, votre frère d'armes montera une noble cigogne. Ensemble, triomphez des chevaliers ennemis qui hantent les cavernes : les gardes rouges, les chasseurs argentés et les seigneurs des ombres tout de sombre vêtus. Maniez votre lance infaillible et plongez sur vos ennemis. Désarçonnez-les de leurs busards et emparez-vous des œufs qu'ils abandonnent, sous peine de les voir éclore et produire des adversaires toujours plus coriaces. Prenez garde aux ptérodactyles qui infestent ces lieux. Si vous tardez trop à accomplir votre quête, ils s'en prendront à vous. Prenez votre envol et échappez à la lave dont le niveau ne cesse de monter...
fr-ch Version d'essai - Joust Solo, Multijoueur Xbox Live 1-2, Multijoueur local 1-2, HD (haute définition) Jeu uniquement en anglais. Chevauchez votre fidèle autruche et conduisez-la à la bataille ! Si d'aventure vous choisissez de combattre à deux, votre frère d'armes montera une noble cigogne. Ensemble, triomphez des chevaliers ennemis qui hantent les cavernes : les gardes rouges, les chasseurs argentés et les seigneurs des ombres tout de sombre vêtus. Maniez votre lance infaillible et plongez sur vos ennemis. Désarçonnez-les de leurs busards et emparez-vous des œufs qu'ils abandonnent, sous peine de les voir éclore et produire des adversaires toujours plus coriaces. Prenez garde aux ptérodactyles qui infestent ces lieux. Si vous tardez trop à accomplir votre quête, ils s'en prendront à vous. Prenez votre envol et échappez à la lave dont le niveau ne cesse de monter...
fr-fr Version d'essai - Joust Solo, Multijoueur Xbox Live 1-2, Multijoueur local 1-2, HD (haute définition) Jeu uniquement en anglais. Chevauchez votre fidèle autruche et conduisez-la à la bataille ! Si d'aventure vous choisissez de combattre à deux, votre frère d'armes montera une noble cigogne. Ensemble, triomphez des chevaliers ennemis qui hantent les cavernes : les gardes rouges, les chasseurs argentés et les seigneurs des ombres tout de sombre vêtus. Maniez votre lance infaillible et plongez sur vos ennemis. Désarçonnez-les de leurs busards et emparez-vous des œufs qu'ils abandonnent, sous peine de les voir éclore et produire des adversaires toujours plus coriaces. Prenez garde aux ptérodactyles qui infestent ces lieux. Si vous tardez trop à accomplir votre quête, ils s'en prendront à vous. Prenez votre envol et échappez à la lave dont le niveau ne cesse de monter...
hu-hu A játék próbaverziója - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
it-it Gioco di prova - Joust Giocatore singolo, Multiplayer Xbox Live 1-2, Multiplayer locale 1-2, HD (Alta definizione) Il gioco è in Inglese. Monta sul tuo nobile struzzo e tuffati nella battaglia! Se decidi di affrontare la sfida insieme a un amico, il tuo compagno cavalcherà una fiera cicogna. Insieme, dovrete sconfiggere tre tipi di cavalieri nemici: i Bounders (di colore rosso), gli Hunters (argento) e gli Shadow Lord (blu). I tuoi avversari voleranno per le caverne in sella ad avvoltoi; stendili dall’alto con l’aiuto della tua fida lancia. Raccogli quindi le uova prima che si schiudano o spunteranno nemici ancora più forti. Fai attenzione agli pterodattili che infestano le caverne – se impieghi troppo tempo a superare i livelli cominceranno ad attaccarti. Controlla anche il livello della lava, aumenta continuamente, dovrai volare sempre più in alto e tenerti lontano dalle grinfie del troll o sprofonderai nell'abisso.
ja-jp お試し版 - Joust ■シングルプレイヤー ■Xbox Live マルチプレイヤー 1-2 ■ローカル マルチプレイヤー 1-2 ■ハイビジョン ■気高きダチョウの背中に乗って、冒険を始めよう! 他のプレイヤーをパートナーとして一緒に冒険する場合には、協力して敵と戦おう。敵は、高速で飛行するコンドルに乗って洞窟を飛んでくる。槍を使って上から攻撃して敵を倒していこう。卵がふ化する前に攻略しないと、さらに強力な敵が出現してしまう。あまりのんびりしているとプロダクティルが襲ってくるぞ。
ko-kr 평가판 게임 - Joust 싱글 플레이, Xbox Live 멀티 플레이 1-2, 로컬 멀티 플레이 1-2, 고화질(HD) 영어만 지원되는 게임 충직한 타조를 타고 게임을 즐겨 보세요! 여러분의 친구와 함께 모험을 시작하면 친구는 멋진 황새를 타고 출발하게 됩니다. 친구와 협력하여 붉은색의 싸움꾼, 은색의 사냥꾼 그리고 푸른색의 어둠의 기사와 같은 적들을 물리치세요. 날렵한 독수리를 타고 동굴 속을 날아다니는 악당들을 위쪽에서 공격해 무찔러야 합니다. 공격을 받은 악당들은 알로 변하게 되는데 이 알이 부화해서 더 강한 적으로 변하기 전에 빨리 알을 차지해야 합니다. 또한 동굴 속을 날아다니는 익룡을 조심하세요. 적을 빨리 무찌르지 못하면 익룡이 공격해오기 시작합니다. 뿐만 아니라 시간이 지날수록 점점 용암 구덩이의 수위가 높아지게 됩니다. 용암 구덩이 속으로 떨어지지 않도록 더 힘차게 날아 적을 공격하세요!
nb-no Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
nl-be Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
nl-nl Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
pl-pl Wersja próbna gry - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
pt-br Jogo de Teste - Joust Um Jogador, Xbox Live Multijogador 1-2, Multijogador Local 1-2, HD (Alta Definição). O jogo é apenas em inglês. Monta a tua nobre avestruz e avança para o campo de batalha! Se escolheres aventurar-te com um amigo, o teu companheiro irá montar uma orgulhosa cegonha. Juntos, derrotem três tipos de cavaleiros inimigos: os vermelhos Sem Escrúpulos, os Caçadores prateados e os Senhores das Sombras azuis escuros. Com estes vilões a voar pelas cavernas montados nas asas de velozes abutres, tenta acertar-lhes de cima com a tua fiel lança. Captura os ovos que daí resultam antes que eles choquem pois, caso contrário, eclodirão inimigos ainda mais fortes. Tem cuidado com os pterodáctilos que infestam estas cavernas – se a tua missão demorar tempo demais, eles atacarão. E como o fosso de lava irá subir cada vez mais, vai batendo as asas para te manteres no ar... longe do alcance do troll que te arrastará para as ardentes profundezas.
pt-pt Jogo de Teste - Joust Um Jogador, Xbox Live Multijogador 1-2, Multijogador Local 1-2, HD (Alta Definição). O jogo é apenas em inglês. Monta a tua nobre avestruz e avança para o campo de batalha! Se escolheres aventurar-te com um amigo, o teu companheiro irá montar uma orgulhosa cegonha. Juntos, derrotem três tipos de cavaleiros inimigos: os vermelhos Sem Escrúpulos, os Caçadores prateados e os Senhores das Sombras azuis escuros. Com estes vilões a voar pelas cavernas montados nas asas de velozes abutres, tenta acertar-lhes de cima com a tua fiel lança. Captura os ovos que daí resultam antes que eles choquem pois, caso contrário, eclodirão inimigos ainda mais fortes. Tem cuidado com os pterodáctilos que infestam estas cavernas – se a tua missão demorar tempo demais, eles atacarão. E como o fosso de lava irá subir cada vez mais, vai batendo as asas para te manteres no ar... longe do alcance do troll que te arrastará para as ardentes profundezas.
ru-ru Пробная игра - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
sk-sk Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
sv-se Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
zh-cn Trial Game - Joust Single Player, Xbox Live Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition) Mount thy noble ostrich and ride forth into battle! If you choose to venture with a friend, your companion shall ride a proud stork. Together, defeat three types of enemy knights: red Bounders, silver Hunters and dark blue Shadow Lords. As these villains fly through the caves atop swift-winged buzzards, strike them from above with your trusty lance. Capture the resulting eggs before they hatch or even stronger foes will emerge. Watch for the pterodactyls that infest these caverns—if your quest takes too long, they will attack. And as the lava pit rises higher and higher, flap mightily to stay aloft… far from the grasp of the troll that would drag you down to the fiery depths.
zh-hk 試玩版遊戲 - Joust 單人遊戲, Xbox Live 多人遊戲 1-2, 區域多人遊戲 1-2, 高解析 英文遊戲介面 騎著神奇的駝鳥,勇往直前吧!好友若與你並肩作戰,他將會騎著鸛鳥一同對抗邪惡的紅妖怪、銀魔鬼和藍魔王。當這些邪惡的敵人騎著兀鷹飛過時,用你的長矛將他們刺死。快點找到快要孵化的蛋!此外小心翼手龍,如果你動作太慢了,它們將會開始對你攻擊。記得注意緩緩上升的岩漿,盡量飛高點,以免被岩漿怪拖進岩漿地獄裡!
zh-tw 試玩版遊戲 - Joust (普遍級) 單人遊戲, Xbox Live 多人遊戲 1-2, 區域多人遊戲 1-2, 高解析 英文遊戲介面 騎著神奇的駝鳥,勇往直前吧!好友若與你並肩作戰,他將會騎著鸛鳥一同對抗邪惡的紅妖怪、銀魔鬼和藍魔王。當這些邪惡的敵人騎著兀鷹飛過時,用你的長矛將他們刺死。快點找到快要孵化的蛋!此外小心翼手龍,如果你動作太慢了,它們將會開始對你攻擊。記得注意緩緩上升的岩漿,盡量飛高點,以免被岩漿怪拖進岩漿地獄裡!